Founded 1838
Pleasant Grove
“To all who are strangers and seek friendly fellowship; to all who are weary and need rest; to all who seek spiritual solution of their crushing problems; to all who mourn and need comfort; to all who wish to help in heralding the gospel of Jesus Christ, and to whosoever will, this church extends a friendly Christian welcome.”
We Are Glad You Are Here

Worship Services

Sunday School

Sunday Worship
God wants to meet you right where you are…and so do we. It would be our honor to meet you for worship this Sunday. In a world in which we need to find hope and support it is important that we find those times to sit in the presence of God and seek his Kingdom in our everyday lives. During our worship we will focus on what it means to act like Jesus Christ during the week. I wonder what it look like to love as Jesus loves? I wonder what it look like to share God’s love for us with the world? Those are the moments that make our days more and more in line with God’s purposes. We would love for you to join us in whatever way God is working in your life today.
Join us in-person worship or catch anytime on Facebook, YouTube, or livestream of services this Sunday at 11:00 a.m. We hope to see you soon in worship.
If you missed last Sunday, and would like to see the bulletin, click here.

United Methodist Peoples Group
Our United Methodist Men and Women have merged, and are now called the United Methodist Peoples Group.
We meet every 3rd Saturday at 8:00 AM for breakfast to fellowship and discuss the ways that they can provide for our church and community. Our People occasionally provide donation meals after worship on Sundays, provide breakfast for Sunrise Service, among other wonderful things.
Outreach Missions
Pleasant Grove is dedicated to serving our community in many ways. For this year, we have committed to assisting 3 important causes in our community.
Forest City-Dunbar Elementary School: Our schools are always in need of assistance with essential items that aide the children in success, and we are partnering with them to try and make sure that happens. We will be taking donations for Forest City-Dunbar in January, April, July, and October.
Out of the Ashes: Out of the Ashes is the only place in Western North Carolina for the underserved and uninsured to receive drug and alcohol addiction treatment and emergency shelter at no cost. We will be taking donations for Out of the Ashes in February, May, August, and November.
Learn More – https://outoftheashesnc.org
Hands of HOPE Pregnancy Resource Center: Serving those facing an unplanned pregnancy offering free pregnancy tests, options counseling, compassion and confidential support.
We will be taking donations for Hands of Hope in March, June, September, and December.
Learn More – https://www.hh4life.org

Choir and Special Music
Our choir is composed of dedicated members who enjoy singing their praises! New members are always welcome to sing in our choir.
We rehearse twice a week (Wednesday from 4:30 – 5:00 PM) and Sunday (9:30 – 10:00 AM)
The choir provides anthems most Sundays from a variety of genres including traditional, gospel, and contemporary selections. We are also blessed with guest musicians several times a year.

Bible Study and More!
We offer a variety of Bible Studies during the year.
Presently we are offering a Bible study on the TV Series “The Chosen”. It is a multi-season TV show that brings the story of Jesus to life. After each viewing of “The Chosen” we enter into a conversation about the issues of that episode. Come join us each Monday at 5:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.
Mustard Seed Spiritual Growth Bible Studies begins with a check-in and community building time.
Scripture reading and study is guided by the use of one sentence “I wonder …”statements.
Focused discussion on issues raised by text and images.
The small group will be engaged in sharing, listening, accountability and prayer. Each session ends with Communion.
Pleasant Grove Grief Support Group permits individuals who are in a season of grief to share their struggles with others who have experienced a similar loss.
We have one Grief Group each year, usually around the holidays for six weeks.

Live Flower Ministry
Each week our worship service is enriched with a pair of live floral arrangements.
At the conclusion of service each week, they are either gifted to someone in our congregation with a birthday or anniversary, or they are taken to our shut-ins.
If you would like to place live flowers in honor or memory of someone, please see June Stitzel, or send us a message in our contact form and we will make sure she gets it.

Fellowship Trips
We take (almost) monthly “Fellowship Trips”, where everyone is invited to attend.
We take the bus to various places, and because Pleasant Grove is one great extended family, we just have a blast enjoying each other’s company and fellowship with meals, activities, and sometimes ice cream (if Rev. Keys behaves!). Each Fellowship Trip that has happened always has a great story to tell afterwards, so don’t miss out!
How can we be praying with you?
We believe prayer makes a difference. Each week our team prays over every request we receive. It is an honor to join with you in prayer. Please indicate whether you would like your prayer to be shared on our prayer chain or remain confidential with the Pastors.